(703) 689-0506 | Hours:  Mon-Sat 11AM - 7PM | Sun Closed, 408 Elden Street Herndon, VA 20170


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Let’s Beat Cancer!

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Food can be both delicious and great for our immune systems! Certain diet patterns have a major effect in helping people diagnosed with cancer to live longer, healthier lives. The National Cancer Institute research shows that as much as 33% of cancer risk may be related to diet. In this class taught by Gwyn Whittaker […]

Slowing Aging with Exercise

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Pericles Silva reviews the latest science to optimize health and slow the aging process using exercise. His wide knowledge of nutrition, sleep, fasting, and exercise pull a wide variety of knowledge and expertise to look and feel your best! Arrive by 5pm for dinner with those on the journey to health! Pericles Silva is the […]

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Your Heart

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Food can be both delicious and great for our sleep and overall health! Certain diet patterns have a major effect in helping people diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea to live longer, healthier lives. In this class taught by Dr. Jon O'Neil, you will learn about the right food and lifestyle choices that can help reduce […]

Nathaniel Jordan, Minister of Wellness: Tips to Overcome Food Addiction

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

We are excited to introduce one of the next generation of wellness speakers! Nathaniel Jordan, discovered by Rock Newman, and on tour with an inspirational and educational talk. This introduction will be free of charge, but a reservation is necessary to attend. This is an eye-opening lecture on health topics by Nathaniel Jordan. Arrive at […]

Dr Su, Holistic Doctor: Bringing a Unique Perspective to Tough Cases, Part 1

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Dr. Su has a passion for figuring out why you may not be getting better by tapping into missing perspectives in your care. With 17 years of experience in the holistic healing arts, and leading a team of practitioners at Beyond Wellness, Dr. Su has a broad outlook to help in diagnosing and getting to […]

Dr Su, Holistic Doctor: Bringing a Unique Perspective to Tough Cases, Part 2

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Dr. Su has a passion for figuring out why you may not be getting better by tapping into missing perspectives in your care. With 17 years of experience in the holistic healing arts, and leading a team of practitioners at Beyond Wellness, Dr. Su has a broad outlook to help in diagnosing and getting to […]

Optimizing Health with a Plant-Based Lifestyle

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Gwyn Whittaker, CEO of GreenFare Organic Cafe, and an Executive Producer of The Game Changers, will inspire life change through science based lifestyle changes. Learn about how to boost your immune system with a healthy microbiome as well as prevent or reverse the chronic illnesses that plague us eating animal products and processed foods. Gwyn is certified by […]

Slowing Aging with Exercise

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Pericles Silva reviews the latest science to optimize health and slow the aging process using exercise. His wide knowledge of nutrition, sleep, fasting, and exercise pull a wide variety of knowledge and expertise to look and feel your best! Please register here: FREE TICKET Arrive by 5pm for dinner with those on the journey to health! […]

Author Panel: How Healers Heal book signing

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Lifestyle Medicine Doctors and authors of this book will host a panel to discuss their personal experiences with healing patients and transforming health care. A panel followed by Q & A and book signing. In this book, How Healers Heal, you’ll read deeply personal stories from 33 board-certified Lifestyle Medicine physicians about how they are changing […]

Brad Moore, MD, Director of Lifestyle Medicine at GWU School of Medicine

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Since 1995, Dr. Brad Moore has been practicing general internal medicine as faculty at the Medical Facility Associates at GWU since 1995 and is a strong advocate of Lifestyle Medicine. He'll be talking about Lifestyle Medicine, resources, and how he evolved his practice to include this path to health. Bring your doctor to learn! Ticket […]

Lyme Disease Discussion: Fred Diamond, book signing: Love, Hope, Lyme

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. If you or your loved ones are affected by this serious illness come to Greenfare Organic Cafe' at 404 Elden Street in Herdon between 4-6PM on Saturday, May 18th for a free event. Fred Diamond, will be there signing his popular book Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who […]

The Exam Room podcast: Live at GreenFare with Brad Moore, MD

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Live at GreenFare! Join your community for dinner from 5-6:30pm - podcast begins at 7pm. The Exam Room™ is the ultimate vegan podcast from the Physicians Committee. Learn the secrets to radically improving your health as show host “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll, who lost 265 pounds and kept it off, goes one-on-one with […]


GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Pericles Silva, GreenFare Chef and Sports Nutritionist will dispell a lot of myths about how much protein you need and how muscles are built and maintained. Prepare to ditch your powders!! No reservation required.

Chef Dustin Harder on The Power Foods Diet over dinner

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Chef Dustin Harder is a culinary specialist at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and a co-author with Neal Barnard, MD of 'The Power Foods Diet: The Breakthrough Plan that Traps, Tames, and Burns Calories for Easy and Permanent Weight Loss'. This new diet and plan offers an evidence-based, food-as-medicine protocol for kickstarting weight loss […]

Robina Barlow: Food For Life!

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

About Robina: Robina Barlow is a Certified Food for Life Instructor focused on improving health outcomes for individuals through food and nutrition. Her classes provide nutrition information and food preparation instruction and demonstrations. Class topics include maintaining a healthy weight, diabetes prevention and reversal, reducing cancer risk factors as well as heart disease. She enjoys […]

Value of a Dexascan

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Very rarely do we promote one particular test, but the dexascan can be uniquely beneficial in benchmarking your body composition. It is a non-incavsive scan that will provide a detailed mapping of your bone denisty, fat distribution, and muscle mass. This becomes the basis for improvement with a new exercise plan. We are introducing a […]

Weight Loss Drugs: Benefits and Side Effects

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Considering the newly emphasized weight loss drugs? Learn more about how they work, what you can expect, and side effects during and after. This class will be held on Wednesday, November 20th at 6pm. Why not come early at 5pm for a community dinner? No need to book ahead, we'd love to see you there!

GreenFare Art Show – Featuring our own Kickstarter, Margarita Reyes

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Margarita gave Pericles and myself each beautiful, original pieces of her signed art as a token of gratitude after her kickstart success. She will be doing a small exhibit at GreenFare to provide potential gifting opportunites for you, as well as to meet the artist! 

GreenFare Art Show – Featuring our own Kickstarter, Margarita Reyes

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Margarita gave Pericles and myself each beautiful, original pieces of her signed art as a token of gratitude after her kickstart success. She will be doing a small exhibit at GreenFare to provide potential gifting opportunites for you, as well as to meet the artist! 

How to Build Strength & Fitness for Women >50

GreenFare Organic Cafe 408 Elden Street, Herndon, VA, United States

Learn from Daphne Bascom, MD, PhD, about growing stronger and fitter in the new year! Daphne is a health coach and Chief Operating Officer with The Vegan Gym. Before joining The Vegan Gym,, Daphne was the Vice President of Population Health for St. Luke’s Health System in Kansas City and was a senior vice president and the […]

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