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Chef Dustin Harder on The Power Foods Diet over dinner


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Product Description

Chef Dustin Harder is a culinary specialist at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and a co-author with Neal Barnard, MD of ‘The Power Foods Diet: The Breakthrough Plan that Traps, Tames, and Burns Calories for Easy and Permanent Weight Loss’.

This new diet and plan offers an evidence-based, food-as-medicine protocol for kickstarting weight loss and keeping it off.

Eat These Foods, Lose the Weight
Weight loss is one of our top health concerns, so much so that we keep looking for good ways to lose weight, preferably a way that is easy, effective, and permanent. It turns out that, when properly chosen, certain foods cause weight loss, with no need for the deprivation and planning that most weight-loss regimens require.

Learn all about the foods and how the recipes were created and enjoy an organic, whole plant dinner at GreenFare.

A delicious dinner will be provided with 100% organic ingredients:

  • Appetizer: Mediterranean Twice Baked Potato with White Bean Tzatziki (recommended 1 half per plate on a bed of spring greens)
  • Main: Brussels and Pinto Tacos with Mango Salsa (recommended two per plate)
  • Dessert: Blueberry Pear Crumble

Learn directly from Chef Dustin Harder about the diet and enjoy an organic, whole plant dinner at GreenFare. Books will be available for purchase for signature. Arrive between 5 and 5:30pm for dinner, lecture at 6:15pm.

A delicious custom GreenFare organic, whole plant dinner will be provided for $50.

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