7 Meal Plan
Ingredients may be substituted based on ingredient shortages, for example, kidney beans for pinto beans.
PLEASE NOTE: No refunds for orders cancelled within 3 days, as these meals are prepared foods (basically a catering order). Orders placed but cancelled after 3 days will be refunded minus the credit card penalty fee.
Pickups for Monday meal plans can be made on Monday from 4 – 7pm or Tuesday from 11am – 7pm. Friday meal plans can be picked up on Friday from 5pm – 7pm, or on Saturday between 11am – 7pm. Please note that we are closed on Sunday.
Save $10 on every 2 Meal Plans purchased*
GreenFare offers affordable and convenient meal plans made up of delicious organic, freshly prepared, whole plant food free of added salt, oil, or sugar for optimal health! Our 7 Meal Plan provides one delicious meal per day for seven days; buy 2 Meal Plans for two meals a day as in the Kickstart. Each meal weighs approximately one pound.
All meals are different and vary weekly. Substitutions with comparable meals to resolve allergies are allowed with items available in the cooler.
*Discount will show in cart.
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